
Top Varieties of Mango in India

Top Varieties of Mango in India

The mango season in India is one of the most awaited fruit seasons. Summer is the time of the year when the country’s most favorite fruit is available in abundance. Mango is known as the ‘king of fruits’ for the right reasons. Celebrated for their delicious flavor, rich texture, aromatic fragrance, and vibrant colors – mangoes are an absolute indulgence for one and all. 

India produces more than 1500 varieties of mango. Yes, you heard it right. Each variety has its own USP, ranging from color to flavor. Want to know the top varieties of mangoes in India? Here’s the list. 


Alphonso, also known as Hapus, is considered the king of mangoes. This mango variety is renowned for its rich and creamy taste. Alphonso mangoes are sweet and boast a vibrant golden-yellow skin with a smooth texture. This mango variety is predominantly grown in Maharashtra, particularly in the Ratnagiri and Devgad regions. The aromatic fragrance of this mango makes it all the more tempting for mango lovers. In addition to its rich taste, Alphonso is a rich source of nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and dietary fiber. 


If Alphonso is the king of mangoes, Kesar is the queen of mangoes. Kesar is touted as one of the most popular varieties of mangoes in India, often known for its saffron-like appearance, aroma, and sweet and tangy taste. This mango variety primarily hails from Gujarat. Its sub-varieties, such as Gir Kesar mango, are another loved fruit grown only in Junagadh and Gir Sasan regions. 

check Kesar Mango price.

Kesar mangoes are round to oval-shaped with pale yellow skin and a greenish tinge. The flesh of the plant is fibrous. The fruit is so tasty that you can eat it fresh. Simply pluck it from the tree, wash, tear the opening, and relish the sweet juices and flesh. Owing to its sweet taste, the mango variety is popularly used in the preparation of mango shakes, mango juices, and Indian desserts such as ice cream, mousse, smoothies, and more. Many Indian households also use it for making jellies, jams, and pickles. Kesar mangoes are highly regarded in terms of their nutritional value. They are a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, potassium, and more. Every year, tonnes of Kesar mangoes are exported to different parts of the world.


Chaunsa is another popular mango variety in India. Its popularity also extends to the whole of South Asia. Chaunsa hails from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The medium to large fruit has a kidney-shaped appearance with a thin and bright yellow skin. This flavorful mango variety has a honey-like flavor. However, when consumed in volumes, it may lead to acidity. Interestingly, this mango variety belongs to the sucking category. Hence, you don’t have to necessarily cut it with a knife to enjoy its taste. 


Dasheri mangoes are well-regarded for their sweetness and pulp. Grown primarily in Uttar Pradesh, Dasheri boasts a medium to large size with a small pit. The mango is known for its tempting juice and creamy texture. It has a thin, yellow skin with light red and orange spots. Another quality of this mango variety is that it has a fiberless pulp. Owing to this factor, Dasheri mangoes are extensively used in the preparation of mango drinks and desserts. 


Another pan India popular variety of mango is Totapuri. It is known by many names across the country, such as Bangalore and Sandersha mangoes. When ripped open, the appearance of this mango resembles the beak of the parrot, hence the name. This mango variety boasts a unique tangy taste with a slight sourness. If you are a sweet mango lover, you might not like it at first. Totapuri mangoes are farmed in the southern states of India – Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh. They are a great source of potassium and vitamins. 


Safeda is a popular mango variety in many parts of India. Like Totapuri, it has many names – Banganpali or Benishan mango, to name a few. The fruit is primarily grown in the regions of Andhra Pradesh. It is significantly larger than other mango varieties, weighing about 350-400 grams on average. Safeda has a meaty texture with thin and firm skin. The overall taste of this mango is sweet; however, it lacks fiber. Commonly sold in mid-season in the market, this mango is a good source of Vitamins A and C. 


Although the name of this mango sounds funny, its taste is highly enjoyed by mango lovers. Langra mango hails from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. The mango was first found on the farm of a man without legs. Thus, it became famous with its name. Langra mango is greenish-yellow in color and medium to large in weight. Its overall texture is smooth and has fewer fibers than others. The highly nutritious mango variety is rich in vitamins A, C, potassium, and iron. Owing to its sweet taste, it is used in the preparation of mango drinks, mocktails, and desserts. 


Neelum mangoes are grown in many regions across the country, including Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka. But despite its cultivation in various parts of India, the most flavorful Neelum variety comes from Andhra Pradesh from May to July. This fruit variety has inherited its name from the Neelum River of Pakistan, where it is grown in abundance. It is regarded for its sweet aroma. The appearance of this fruit is small compared to other varieties. It boasts a beautiful orange shade. The mango is rich in several nutrients, including vitamins A, C, E, K, protein, fat, and potassium.


Amrapali is a hybrid mango variety or a cross between Dasheri and Neelum mangoes. It was first created in 1971 and has become popular ever since. Amrapali mangoes are grown in orchards and farms across India and are known for their red flesh once ripened. The only drawback of this mango variety is its small shelf life. As Amrapali is a hybrid between two popular mango varieties, it adopts their taste and qualities to the optimum. 

Final Words 

Mangoes in India are celebrated as a festival. Besides its rich taste and flavor, the fruit also holds cultural importance and is often revered in mythology, art, and literature. We are already in the mango season, and regardless of the variety, this rich and flavorful fruit must be savored in all its forms. 

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