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Organic A2 Gir Cow Ghee


Gir Cow Ghee is made with old and traditional bilona method which is pure natural method to making Ghee from gir cow milk. We feed our cows pure organic food from gir.

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What is Gir Cow Ghee?

Gir cow ghee is touted as one of the purest forms of ghee in the market. Made from Gir cow’s milk, this ghee is churned from the butter and processed through a special technique called the bilona method. The ghee is yellow in color and has a grainy texture. It is flavorful, aromatic, and possesses extraordinary nutritional benefits. 

Gir Cow Ghee Benefits

India is home to various indigenous cows, like Hallikar, Gir, Sahiwal, and more. These cows are called A2 cows, and the milk extracted from them is referred to as A2 milk. The ghee obtained from this milk is highly nutritious and flavorful. Known as A2 ghee, it possesses a special type of protein called A2 beta-casein protein. 

Gir cow ghee is made from A2 milk obtained from Gir cow. Let us know everything about it. 

How is Gir Cow Ghee Made?

Nowadays, the bilona method of churning out ghee is gaining traction worldwide. This method is considered more beneficial than the commercial practice of manufacturing ghee using machines. The handmade method retains all the health benefits of ghee, making it a preferred choice over its industrial counterpart.

Gir cow ghee follows the same bilona process to make the ghee. Here are the steps involved: 

  • Firstly, milk obtained from Gir cows is heated in large vessels and cooled slightly to make curd.
  • The entire full cream curd is then transferred into earthen pots, followed by churning it with bilona. This process separates white butter and buttermilk. The process is entirely manual and takes a lot of time.
  • The white butter is separated, washed, and transferred to bigger vessels.
  • The next step includes boiling the obtained butter on a low flame to retain its nutritional value. As the butter melts, the milk solids or caseins precipitate at the bottom of the vessel.
  • The golden liquid is now strained with a thin muslin cloth and allowed to cool. 
  • The bi-product obtained is yellow, grainy, flavorful, and aromatic – known as Gir cow ghee.

 How Nutritious is Gir Cow Ghee?

Gir cow ghee is considered one of the most nutritious forms of ghee. As it is heated in low flame for long intervals, it doesn’t lose its nutritional value which also makes it more expensive than other types of ghee. However, the hefty cost of this ghee is worth it. Pure and natural Gir Cow ghee is a rich source of saturated fats, offering 14 grams per serving. 

Here’s the nutritional breakdown of Gir cow ghee. 

Fat 14 grams
Protein 0.04 gram
Omega 3.45 milligram
Choline 2.7 milligram
Vitamin D 15 microgram
Vitamin K 1.2 microgram
Vitamin A 438 IU
Vitamin E 0.4 microgram


Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions N/A

1L, 500 ML


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