
Kesar Mango vs Alphonso Mango

We are officially in the mango season, and the fruit lovers cannot be happier! Mango, the king of fruits, is recognized for its superior taste, rich flavor, and juicy pulp. The mango craze is so prevalent in our country that the 22nd of July is celebrated as the National Mango Day every year. From kids to adults, everyone relishes the juicy flavor of the mango to their heart’s content. 

Mangoes are available in India during the summer months from April to September. This versatile fruit can be used for the preparation of many delicacies, including mango juice, salads, smoothies, desserts, dips, curries, pickles, and whatnot! What’s even better is that mango doesn’t have just one type. You will find many varieties of this fruit cultivated in different parts of India, each recognized for its taste, texture, attributes, and geography. 

Two of the most popular mango varieties that give tough competition to each other are Kesar and Alphonso. 

What is Kesar Mango? 

Kesar mango is one of the most superior mango varieties grown in Gujarat, India. The mango has a sweet taste with a hint of tanginess. This fruit variety is characterized by its sweet aroma that spreads everywhere after you cut it open. Kesari is medium in size and has a round to oval shape. The golden-yellow exterior with hues of green gives it a beautiful appearance. 

You don’t have to necessarily cut it to savor Kesari mango. It can be plucked straight off the tree and eaten. The easy-to-peel mango has a juicy pulp that melts into your mouth right after you taste it. Kesar is usually eaten fresh and raw. Alternatively, it can also be used in traditional Indian desserts, including the sought-after aamras, ice cream, mango lassi, and more. The highly sought-after mango variety is referred to as the ‘Queen of Mangoes’. 

What is Alphonso Mango?

Alphonso mango, popularly known as Hapus, is considered the ‘King of Mangoes’. Interestingly, it is named after Afonso de Albuquerque, a Portuguese general and military expert who helped in the establishment of Portuguese colonies in India. It is said that this variety was first introduced in India by the Portuguese.

Alphonso is large in size and has bright yellow skin. This fruit variety has a rich, creamy texture and a sweet and juicy taste. Owing to its exceptional quality and taste, it is regarded as a superior mango variety in the country. Alphonso mango is also one of the most expensive types of mangoes. Its exceptional taste makes it a perfect ingredient for Indian smoothies, sweets, and salads. 

Kesar Mango vs. Alphonso – What’s the Difference? 

Both Kesar and Alphonso are highly sought-after varieties of mango that have a distinct taste, sweet aroma, and an undisputed fan base. Here are the differences between the two: 


Alphonso has a sharply sweet taste along with mellow tropical flavors, while the taste of Kesar mangoes is intensely sweet. For someone who craves a sweet taste in mangoes, this variety can never fail to satisfy their taste buds. 


Alphonso mango boasts a natural scent that speaks volumes about the purity of this mango. On the other hand, Kesar mangoes are extra sweet in their aroma. You can merely smell this fruit and tell about its sweetness. 


The size of the mango is where Kesar loses itself to Alphonso. The former has a small-to-medium size, varying from 3-5 inches and weighing around 200-250 grams in weight, whereas the latter is bigger up to 4-6 inches, weighing around 225-260 grams. The shape of both these varieties is also distinct. Kesar has a round shape with a curved tip but can be oval sometimes, while the shape of Alphonso is only oval. 


Alphonso is grown and cultivated in the Ratnagiri and Devgad regions of Maharashtra. These varieties were produced as a result of grafting technology in India. Kesar mangoes are restricted to the Girnar region and its nearby areas in Gujarat. 

Flesh and Texture 

The pulp of Alphonso is non-fibrous. Unlike other mango varieties, it is smooth and buttery in texture. Once completely ripened, it becomes soft and turns bright yellow. On the flip side, the flesh of Kesar mango is a little dull. It will look slightly mottled yellow with a green tinge but soon turn orange-yellow when ripened. 

Which One is Better? 

According to many mango lovers, Alphonso has a much stronger flavor than its Kesar counterpart. The rich taste of this mango makes it ideal for desserts. Once you have developed the taste, you might not like any other mango variety. 

However, it doesn’t mean that the competitor Kesar is any lesser. The mere fragrance of this fruit is enough to tempt you from afar. Moreover, the strong and sweet taste makes it a preferred variety among fruit lovers. Both Alphonso and Kesar are expensive when compared to other varieties of mangoes. 

Lately, Alphonso has been losing his share to Kesar Mango. The changes in weather patterns have affected the quality and taste of Alphonso at large. The production of this mango has also reduced over time. The government does not offer pesticide and fertilizer subsidies, leading to pushed-up production costs. Moreover, the crop has become vulnerable to insect attacks time and again. The less fiber content of Alphonso makes it more sustainable to damage during tests. 

On the contrary, Kesar has a longer shelf life, and it arrives in the market right after the Alphonso season ends and stays for a long time. It also bears more fruit than Alphonso. The Kesar crop is more immune to insect attacks and disease. Thus, it doesn’t require pesticides or artificial sweeteners to retain the taste. Compared to Alphonso, the production and annual output of Kesar have increased over the years, making it a more sought-after fruit for many mango lovers. 

In the end, choosing the right variety of fruit is subjective! 

Final Words 

Eating mango is a one-of-a-kind experience, regardless of the variety you choose. The kids jump with joy while adults drown in bouts of sweet nostalgia while savoring this fruit. After all, the summer season is incomplete without indulging in the flavors, taste, and aroma of mango. 

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