
Desi Ghee for Hair: Benefits, Application, and More

ghee for hair

Everyone looks forward to maintaining thick, shiny, and voluminous locks, but factors, such as pollution, lack of sleep, and nutrition obstruct their journey to healthy hair. Consequently, they fall prey to various hair problems, including dandruff, hair loss, weak or brittle hair, and more. Fortunately, you can still manage the health of your hair without spending a fortune on your salon appointments. Thanks to a hero ingredient in your kitchen. 

The versatile desi ghee has many benefits for your overall health, including skin and hair. The overall properties of ghee improve the condition of your hair strands, thus making them healthy. Traditionally, ghee has been used for years to manage your hair and skin health. Ayurveda mentions the importance of incorporating desi ghee into your daily diet to maintain your hair health. 

What are the Benefits of Desi Ghee for Hair? 

The content of vitamins, minerals, and good fats in desi ghee make it a superior product for your hair health. This ghee is made from cow’s milk and is often considered pure and healthier than its industrial counterparts. Here are the benefits of desi ghee for the health of your hair. 

Healthy Scalp 

As per hair experts, regular use of desi ghee on your scalp enhances its overall health. If you suffer from an itchy scalp, you can apply this ingredient on it. Ghee is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and its moisturizing contents keep dryness and itchiness at bay. 

Promotes Hair Growth 

Hair fall or loss has become a problem among men and women. The factors such as lack of nutrition, pollution, dying your hair, and using chemical treatments make your hair weak, causing hair loss. Ghee is an effective remedy to manage your hair loss. Omega 3 and Omega 9 fatty acids present in this ingredient facilitate blood circulation, thus stimulating hair growth. 

Hair Nourishment 

Nobody likes dry and frizzy hair. Dryness in hair often makes it look unhealthy. It is usually because of the lack of moisture. You can treat this condition by applying ghee to your hair. The fatty acids in ghee nourish the scalp, ensuring that your follicles remain healthy. This factor also reduces hair fall. 

A Natural Hair Conditioner 

Why waste your money buying expensive products or opting for expensive treatment when you can use ghee as a natural conditioner for your hair? As per many experts, a combination of ghee with other ingredients works as a magic trick to keep your hair shiny for the longest time. The rich content of Vitamin E in hair works wonders for frizzy hair. You can even leave ghee overnight and get the best results. 

Shiny and Healthy Hair 

If you want shiny hair, the application of desi ghee regularly will help you achieve the same. Massaging your hair regularly with desi ghee makes your locks healthy and shiny. This practice also makes your hair softer, as ghee is made from butter. 

No More Gray Hair 

Grey hair has become a common problem among many men and women. You can use pure ghee to get rid of this problem and prevent more graying of your hair. Desi ghee comprises certain enzymes that help reverse the aging of hair. You can use it with other ingredients and witness remarkable results after consistent application. 

Say Goodbye to Split Ends 

Desi ghee comprises vitamins A, D, E, and K2 – each of which is believed to have healing properties. The combination of vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidants helps improve hair health. Thus, for someone prone to getting split ends more frequently, desi ghee works wonders. 

Quick Hair Detangling 

Detangling hair can be painful and time-consuming for someone with long locks. Furthermore, it also leads to breakage. You don’t need artificial hair serums and sprays anymore, as ghee is the perfect hair-detangling solution for dry, frizzy, and rough hair. 

Anti-Dandruff Potion 

Desi ghee is an effective remedy to treat dryness of hair and scalp. No dry scalp means no dandruff. Instead of using chemically laden products to treat your dandruff, you can opt for ghee and witness the difference. The application of desi ghee also prevents the occurrence of fungi that make your scalp flaky and dry. 

How to Use Desi Ghee for Hair? 

There are many ways to include desi ghee for the growth and care of your hair. Listed below are a few of them. 

  • You can mix equal parts of ghee and castor oil and massage your hair twice a week. This remedy promotes hair growth and works effectively for people fearful about losing their hair. You can also mix castor oil, coconut oil, and desi ghee and massage your scalp regularly for better hair growth. 
  • For someone who falls prey to dandruff and inflammation, a hair mask of Aloe Vera and desi ghee is an effective remedy. Simply mix both these ingredients and apply them to your hair before showering. Keep it for some time, and shampoo your hair. The regular application of this mask will lead to favorable results. 
  • Take three tablespoons of ghee and add three drops of honey to it. Apply this hair mask all over your scalp and hair strands. Keep it for an hour and wash it off with cold water. The combination of desi ghee and honey acts as a natural moisturizer. This mask also has antibacterial properties that help keep your scalp free from infections. 
  • Make a hair serum using ghee and a few drops of your favorite essential oils – lavender, rosemary, or any other. Apply this serum on damp hair for easy detangling. 
  • Besides topical application, the consumption of ghee in your daily diet will provide equal benefits to the health of your hair. Consume the right amount of desi ghee, and you will notice healthy hair. 
  • Lastly, you can buy hair products with desi ghee as a key ingredient and use them in your hair care routine. 

Tips and Precautions for Using Desi Ghee for Hair 

Before you begin slathering your hair in ghee, ensure to do a patch test. Take a small amount of ghee and apply it to the back of your hand. Wait for a few hours to check for any allergic reactions. If all goes well, you can go ahead and use ghee all over your scalp. Besides this, you must never cut corners while buying desi ghee. The quality of ghee you use on your scalp is crucial to its effectiveness. Always choose a product made from grass-fed cows free from harmful antibiotics and artificial hormones. Lastly, every application of ghee on your hair and scalp should be followed by washing them properly. Use a mild shampoo and wash off residual ghee from your hair to prevent greasiness or oiliness. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Which ghee is the best ghee for hair growth? 

Cow ghee is the best ingredient for hair growth. 

How much ghee is safe for a one-time hair application 

You can ideally take a small amount of ghee of 2-3 tablespoons based on the length of your hair. Massaging your scalp with ghee hydrates your hair strands properly. 

Is ghee suitable for all hair types? 

We advise you to always perform a patch test before applying desi ghee on your scalp. While it may have numerous benefits for some, ghee might not be the right product for others. 

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