
Hom Many Calories are in Kesar Mango?

Hom Many Calories are in Kesar Mango

Here comes the sun and the mango season! Here comes the many varieties of mango to relish to your heart’s content. 

Kesar Mango is one of the most sought-after mango varieties, not only in India but worldwide. Every year, tonnes of Kesar mango are exported around the world. Regarded highly for its sweetness and aromatic flavor, Kesar mango is a delicious fruit grown primarily in Gujarat in the Gir Sasan region, districts of Junagadh and Amreli. It is much celebrated for its unique taste, texture, and health benefits. 

The medium-sized fruit has a thin skin and juicy flesh. Owing to its taste and aroma, Kesar mango is popularly known as the ‘Queen of Mangoes’. 

How Many Calories Does Kesar Mango Have? 

Besides its sweet taste and tempting aroma, Kesar mango is recognized for its health benefits. Reportedly, this variety of mango is healthier than others as it is loaded with essential nutrients. Here’s the nutritional breakdown of one medium-sized Kesar mango weighing up to 150 grams. 

Carbohydrates22 grams
Fiber2 grams
Protein1 gram
Fat0.5 milligram
Vitamin C67% of the RDI
Vitamin A10% of the RDI
Folate8% of the RDI
Potassium6% of the RDI

In addition to the above-listed nutritional breakdown, Kesar mango is rich in antioxidants like polyphenols and carotenoids. These antioxidants help protect the body against chronic diseases. It also boasts inflammatory properties to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. 

How to Ripen Kesar Mangoes Naturally? 

Kesar mangoes taste the best when they are completely ripened. The mango is usually ripe when it feels soft to the touch and exudes a sweet aroma. But do not worry if you have received a box of unripe Kesar mangoes for you can ripen it at home. Here are the quick steps.

  • Place all the unripe Kesar mangoes in a paper bag and keep them at room temperature. 
  • Check the mangoes daily. If you spot any ripe mangoes, remove them from the paper bag. 
  • It may take 3-4 days for the mangoes to completely ripen. Once they are ripe, ensure to store them in the refrigerator. Storing them in a cool place helps maintain their freshness. 

What are the Different Ways to Eat Kesar Mango? 

You can relish the taste of Kesar mangoes in a multitude of ways. You can eat the mango raw. You don’t have to cut the fruit in half to eat it. These mangoes can be directly plucked from the tree and squeeze-eaten. You don’t even have to mask the skin. Just wash the mango properly before tasting it. Alternatively, you can cut the mango into cubes and eat it with a knife. 

But if you don’t want to eat Kesar mango raw, try the below-listed ways of eating it. 

  • Make a fruit salad of Kesar mango by mixing it with other fruits. 
  • Make a mango smoothie or mango mousse. Refrigerate it for some time before serving the dish. 
  • Bake a Kesar mango cake for a perfect treat for yourself and family members. 
  • Experiment with your culinary skills and prepare a Kesar mango ice cream with lots of fresh cream and mango. 
  • To save yourself from the fuss of cooking, simply blend Kesar mangoes with cold water to make mango juice. Alternatively, replace water with milk to make a mango shake. 

Buying Tips for Kesar Mangoes 

If you are a first-time mango shopper, check these easy-peasy Kesar mango buying tips. 

Smell the Fruit 

When buying Kesar mango, always use your sense of smell. It will help you gauge the freshness of the fruits. Kesar mango exudes an extremely sweet and strong fragrance. Smell near the base of the stem to pick the best ones. If the fruit gives out a sour odor, it is overripe, and you must not buy it. 

Touch the Fruit 

You can use your fingertips and gently squeeze and feel around the whole Kesar mango. A ripe mango will be soft, while the unripe one will be hard. If the mango is overly soft or squashed, do not buy it. If you want to store mangoes for over a week, choose the ones with firmer skin. 

Look at the Fruit 

Besides the touch and aroma, you can buy the best Kesar mangoes by merely examining their appearance. Kesar mangoes have a yellowish-green color when unripe. When fully ripe, they turn orange. Check for the spots and marks on the mango and buy one with minimal spots. Do not buy the fruit with shriveled skin. 

Buy from the Trustworthy Fruit Vendor 

Always know your fruit vendor before buying Kesar mango or any other fruit. Some local retailers use carbide and other chemicals to ripen the fruits prematurely. It not only hampers the overall taste of the fruit but also affects your health. Thus, always choose a vendor that sells fresh and organic fruits. If you want to buy Kesar mango online, check for the reviews of the vendor. Read each review thoroughly and look for the certifications and awards, if any, before making the choice. 

Final Words 

From health benefits to rich fragrance, sweet taste, and much more – Kesar mangoes are a must-try this summer season. Why wait? Buy now. 

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