
How many calories in a Roti with Ghee?

roti with ghee

Ghee is an age-old staple used in Indian kitchens and cooking since time immemorial. Every Indian family has this ingredient in their pantry for all the right reasons. Ghee is flavorful. It is also a healthy substitute for cooking oil and is loaded with many benefits for your stomach, skin, bone, and heart health. Adding a dollop of ghee to any recipe makes it flavorful and aromatic, you end up savoring it to your heart’s content. But if you don’t want to experiment much with using ghee in your culinary skills, the simplest way to use it is to add it to your rotis.

Putting ghee on roti or Indian flatbread is an old tradition in our country. Every household has its own way of applying ghee on the rotis. Some prefer it less, while others like it more. All in all, adding ghee to the rotis is a healthy choice.

Why Do Indians Add Ghee to their Rotis?

Many people in India enjoy a dab of clarified butter or ghee on their rotis. But have you ever wondered why they do it?

The most common reason for adding ghee to the rotis is that it softens the rotis and keeps it from becoming flaky. Besides this, ghee adds an instant flavor to the rotis, adding more taste to your meal. But the advantages of adding ghee to rotis go beyond the flavor, taste, and aroma.

As per nutritionists, ghee helps lower the glycemic index of rotis. Glycemic index or GI refers to the rating system of food items containing carbs. It demonstrates how rapidly ingesting various food items alters the blood sugar levels in the human body.

Many nutritionists point you can consume ghee first thing in the morning. Alternatively, you can also mix it with rotis or rice during your meal. Owing to the high smoking point of ghee, it can also be used for tempering in recipes like dals to add a distinctive flavor. Ghee is a beneficial supplement to fats consumed on a regular basis.

Check out our A2 Gir Cow Ghee.

How Many Calories Does 1 Roti with Ghee Have?

The easiest way to incorporate ghee into your lifestyle is by topping it with rotis. Are you wondering how many calories one roti with ghee has? Here’s the breakdown.

Total calories in 1 roti with ghee – 256 kcal.  

Fibre4.2 grams

Nutritionists advise putting not more than one teaspoon of ghee on one chapati. One teaspoon of ghee amounts to 37 kcal. As it brings down the glycemic index of the rotis, it makes you feel fuller, thereby saving you from binging on other fattening foods. 

What are the Benefits of Adding Ghee to your Daily Diet? 

Whether adding ghee on the top of the rotis or using it in other preparations, you will gain the following benefits when consumed regularly. 

  • Teaming ghee and roti facilitates the digestibility of the roti and keeps you full for a longer time. 
  • Ghee plays a key role in balancing hormones and maintaining healthy cholesterol. The high heating point of ghee prevents it from producing free radicals that damage cell function. 
  • Ghee aids the neurological system, bones, and brain function in the body. Experts say it is extremely good for the brain to consume ghee regularly in moderation. 
  • This ingredient is rich in butyric acids that promote the body to produce T cells to fight diseases. Ghee is a vital source of fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. 
  • Regular consumption of ghee is associated with better digestion. Ghee aids the production of stomach acid necessary for healthy digestion.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the health benefits of adding ghee to roti? 

Adding ghee to roti makes it rich in vitamins and minerals. Ghee provides a good source of energy to the body, thereby keeping it energized throughout the day. Adding ghee also makes rotis flavorful. 

Can I eat ghee roti for weight loss? 

If consumed in moderation, you can eat ghee roti for weight loss. It is because ghee keeps you full for a long time, thus preventing unnecessary binging on food. 

Is ghee roti suitable for people who have diabetes? 

Ghee is considered a low-glycemic food item that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Eating ghee roti cuts down your cravings for unhealthy snacks and keeps you full for a long time. People who are diabetic can eat ghee rotis without guilt. 

Is ghee good for heart health? 

Ghee roti is good for the health of your heart. The low-fat food item is rich in essential vitamins and minerals. You can improve your overall heart health by cooking in ghee instead of cooking oil. 

Can people of all ages consume ghee roti? 

Ghee rotis can be consumed by people of all ages. 

Final Words 

By far, you must have known about the many benefits of ghee for your overall health. If you are looking forward to adding ghee to your daily diet, the easiest way you can begin is by adding it to your rotis. Feel free to brush them with ghee without any guilt. That said, be careful not to overdo with the quantity. A small teaspoon of ghee is enough for one roti. Anything beyond that may be near to being unhealthy. 

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