
What is Bilona Ghee and What are its Benefits?

Health has become the biggest wealth in the present times. Every person, whether a teen, adult or senior citizen, looks forward to maintaining good health by adopting a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle comprises working out, sleeping on time, and consuming healthy food. As a result, junk food has been substituted with a balanced diet, and cooking oil has been replaced with ghee. Clarified butter or ghee has many advantages for your overall health. It is available in various versions, Bilona ghee is one of them.

Bilona ghee has been produced and consumed in India for many years now. This ghee dates back to Ayurveda, when bilona ghee was utilized for various purposes.

Here’s everything to know about bilona ghee.

What is Bilona Ghee?

The name bilona ghee is derived from the bilona method, which owes its name to the wooden beater or bilona, used since ancient times for churning butter from curd. This traditional method of making ghee comes with many advantages. As a result, many people are going back to the same. Brands today are churning out ghee using bilona method and the markets are selling it like hotcakes.

How is Bilona Ghee Made?

The traditional method of making bilona ghee makes it a super healthy alternative to other counterparts. Bilona ghee is prepared from cow’s milk. The entire preparation is a labor-intensive method and separates the butterfat from milk solids.

Here’s the step-by-step method of making bilona ghee.

Step 1 – Boiling A2 Milk

Bilona milk is made with A2 milk. This type of milk is milk from cows bred to not produce the A1 beta-casein protein, a type of casein protein in milk. First of all, milk is collected from the cows and boiled. It is done to remove all the impurities. After boiling, the milk is allowed to cool till it has enough warmth to make curd.

Step 2 – Adding Curd to the Milk

After cooling down the milk, it is poured into earthen pots. A spoonful of curd starter is added and kept overnight so that it turns into curd.

Step 3 – Churning of Curd

It is the actual stage of making bilona ghee. The curd formed in earthen pots is poured into bigger earthen or wooden pots. This pot comprises a wooden bilona with rope around it. The free ends are handheld to make the bilona turn back and forth. The curd is churned clockwise and anticlockwise to turn it into butter. This process is performed several times manually until butter is obtained from the curd. Once the churning comes to an end, it is scooped out of the pot. What remains are butter, buttermilk, and whey.

Step 4 – Separate Butter and Buttermilk

It is the last stage of making bilona ghee. The butter is transferred into another pot and is heated to make ghee. Contrary to other methods, the butter is heated on a low flame which also makes the clarification process long. In the end, the milk solids turn reddish-brown and settle at the bottom. The clarified butter or bilona ghee floats above.

While pure bilona ghee is made from cow milk, some people also use a portion of buffalo milk to prepare this ghee. Bilona method of making ghee preserves all the nutrition while the same is lost in the commercial method.

What are the Benefits of Bilona Ghee?

The use of bilona ghee dates back to centuries ago. There are many reasons you should choose this ghee over its industrial counterparts. It is rich in several nutrients and has innumerable health benefits. Listed below are a few of them.

Rich in Nutrients

As mentioned above, bilona ghee has a high nutritional value over others. Reportedly, it comprises more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids and DHA, Omega-6, and monounsaturated fatty acids over the industrial counterpart.

Strengthens Immunity

As bilona ghee is rich in many nutrients, it is super beneficial in maintaining immunity and combatting diseases. Bilona ghee is high in fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E, and K that aid the function of your immune system. The presence of these nutrients also aids the development of brain and heart functions, along with good bone growth.

Aids Weight Loss

Bilona ghee is rich in butyric acid that supports digestion and the burning of resistant fats in your body by increasing metabolism. For someone who wants to lose weight without compromising the taste of food, bilona ghee works wonders.

Detoxifies the Body

As per Ayurveda, the butyrate content of Bilona ghee helps balance Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas in the human body, thereby removing toxins. The consumption of at least one teaspoon of bilona ghee daily with each meal aids in the digestion of toxins like lipid-soluble.

High Energy Levels

If you succumb to lethargy now and then, you should incorporate bilona ghee into your daily diet. Per Ayurveda, bilona ghee is an excellent source of quick energy as it is easily absorbed by the body. Because of the quick conversion of fat into energy, your body starts feeling active right away.

Improves Skin Texture

One of the lesser-known advantages of bilona ghee is that it acts as a skin moisturizer. Whether chipped lips, dark circles, rashes, or flaky skin, the application of bilona ghee on these areas quickly moisturizes them, thus maintaining their softness and suppleness. Additionally, bilona ghee slows aging when consumed in moderation and paired with a balanced diet.

What Makes Bilona Ghee Costly?

Compared to industrial ghee, bilona ghee is more expensive. The process of making bilona ghee is more time-consuming and requires manual effort. This manmade process is so tedious that only 1 liter of ghee can be extracted from 25-30 liter of A2 milk. Moreover, bilona ghee offers more health benefits than other forms of ghee. These reasons make it expensive.

Final Words

Whether distinct flavor, aroma, higher purity, quality, or numerous health benefits, bilona ghee is worth all the hype. Consuming bilona ghee in moderation is a healthier alternative to regular ghee. After all, it has enhanced nutritional value and Ayurvedic benefits. Bilona ghee aids digestion, increases energy levels, supports weight management, promotes brain health, strengthens bone health, and aids in detoxification. All these benefits make it a valuable addition to your kitchen. Buy now.

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